I am so excited April is finally here! Spring is in the air and it feels like we are finally ready to get on with all those intentions we set at the beginning of the year.
I don’t know about you, but the last few months have been interesting. With a ton of stops and starts, delays, weird energy and a general lack of progress forward, it’s been hard to stay focused on moving our intentions forward. I
f you haven’t seen as much progress as you’d like in 2019 so far, don’t worry you are not alone.
The last week or so I’ve been feeling a distinct shift in my overall energy and focus. Feeling called to re-read some of my past personal development books, I can tell things are shifting in a big way because…
We are entering into the season of MORE…
MORE light.
MORE energy.
MORE clarity.
MORE focus.
MORE intentions & desires.
And hopefully more action as well. <–-That last part however is up to YOU.
This is the season for clearing out the old and making way for the new. It’s the time of renewal, growth, momentum, and making BIG moves toward the life you truly desire.
I believe this is the time of year when many people start to get restless in their lives, wondering when and if it will ever change.
They feel the call in their soul to do something different, take the risk, do the THING, but then they let their mind override their desires because it’s not safe, certain, or secure.
So instead of diving in and using the vibrant energy of the season to do all the things they’ve always wanted, they settle…and wait…and settle some more.
Sound familiar? If so, keep reading.
Here is what I know to be true even if I don’t know YOU personally…
YOU were not created to live a lukewarm life. YOU were not created to pay bills and die. YOU were not created for struggle and strife.
YOU were created for SO.MUCH.MORE.
–> Those dreams in your heart are there so you can FULFILL them.
–>The desires in your mind that you think are just “pipe dreams” are actually a visualization of what you are CAPABLE of!
–> Those visions of what you’d do “if only” are the very things you are CALLED to do.
And honestly, the only thing that is getting in the way is you, your mind, and your doubts..
TRUTHBOMB: If you desire it, you also have the potential to fulfill it!
You don’t have to know “how” right now, but you do have to be willing to see and experience another way of being and train your MIND to see the possibilities. Not only that, but you need to DECIDE you’re ready for more and quit settling.
Your only true obstacle is YOU.
So, my question is what are you going to do about it?
Are you going to… choose to use the energy of the season to make the moves in your life you’ve been waiting to make or are you going to continue to wait and see how it goes?
Are you going to… do the work to grow your mind and get out of your own way or are you going to choose to stay where you are?
The choice is always yours, but for those of you who are SICK and TIRED of living a lukewarm life, now is your time to transform.
Yes, you can always choose to move forward at a later date, but really? Why wait?
Expansion is calling, are you ready?
If you’re wondering how to finally make that step forward and want some support, hit this link and let’s chat. My 1:1 spots are filling up for April, so get in while you can!