Happy Tuesday Lovely readers!
How many of you have been in a situation lately or in your life when you have had to make a decision? I’m not talking “what shall I have for dinner tonight” although for some of us this can prove to be a pretty challenging decision. I am talking about the BIG decisions.
For instance: Taking one job over another. Moving ‘there’ or staying right where you are. Follow your dreams or stay where it’s secure.
In the course of my life I have made many seemingly big decisions and every time I sat down to think them through, I got anxious. I wanted to make the right decision! My thoughts were clouded by all the pros and cons and I was overwhelmed by the options and how they would play out in the future.
I was at a crossroads and I didn’t know which way to go.
What I didn’t know then (but I know now), is that we all have an internal-decision-maker. It’s called the heart. Ok, maybe not the physical, blood pumping heart, but it’s the intuitive “heart” that can feel its way through situations. The problem is we forget we have it because we have grown so accustomed to thinking our way through issues, we immediately try to do what is logical. If you are like me, you may have found the logical route to be more than a bit rocky and instead downright miserable.
The work I do with clients is to help get them out of their heads and into their hearts. Instead of thinking through the pros and cons of a situation, I want them to feel their way forward. Our bodies are amazing and they can provide a lot of information about the decisions and choices we make on a daily basis. I find that the ‘wrong’ choices (or at least not the best choice for me in the moment) feels restrictive to me. My chest tightens and things just feel heavy overall. However, when I make a choice from my heart and it is the ‘right’ choice, I feel expansive and an opening occurs in my chest. I feel uplifted and light. Those are my markers, but you may feel differently. The key is tapping into your body every now and again (I suggest daily) to get to know the feelings that come up as you make your decisions. It could help you immensely as you move forward along your path.
Now, I don’t believe in making ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ choices (even though sometimes it feels like there is one or the other). I believe that every choice we make along our paths is an opportunity for growth, learning, and experience. Whether you feel you have made the ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ decision, there is always an opportunity for you to move forward and make your dreams a reality. Always.
But, in order to get there and enjoy it to the best of your ability, you must learn to tap into your intuitive heart and feel your way forward. And that is why I have created something called Crossroad Coaching.
Crossroad Coaching is for when you have those moments of uncertainty and you are unsure of which way to go. You have a decision to make and are having trouble discerning what is best for you, right now. That is where I come in. I can help you tap into your intuitive heart and help you work out where the kinks might be, so you can feel good about your decision. I want you to feel comfortable and confident in the decisions you make and I want you to step boldly into your future with the light, bright, and expansive feeling you have when you know everything is working out exactly as it should. If you are interested in how Crossroad Coaching works, feel free to contact me and we can chat about your specific situation.
And should you find yourself questioning whether to follow your dreams now or later, take a look at this awesome video from Marie Forleo where she gives some insight to a reader who has a decision to make of her own.
This is awesome Lamisha <3 Keep on inspiring your corner of the world
Thanks Robin. You are doing some magnificent work yourself! 🙂