Most goal setting techniques involve setting a list of steps and then acting on those steps one at a time. It makes sense in some cases to do things that way, but that isn’t always the best method I am realizing. Sometimes it is important to take some time away from “doing” and to allow your previous actions to take shape and to allow the Universe to work some magic.
I recently finished Marlise Karlin’s book The Power of Peace in You and in it she describes igniting the power of stillness and peace within and living from that space to discover a life better than you imagined. You can read my full review here, but one quote I found that really hit me is one that discusses doing vs not doing as a way to accomplish your dreams.
“Often, the best thing to do is…nothing at all, allowing space for inspiration by leaving a void. It is here, in this essential non-doing, where you release attachment to the outcome-that the miraculous emerges to show you a different pathway for getting where you want to go. You can’t tap into the Energy field of inspired solutions or discover the unforeseen if you are always racing to get it done at all costs.” Marlise Karlin in The Power of Peace in You
This quote has proven to provide a profound shift in my thinking regarding attaining my goals and dreams. I have since moved (albeit slowly) from a place of doing to a place of non-doing in some situations and while it has been somewhat uncomfortable there, I am learning that there is certainly some value in it. The key for me is knowing when to do and not do.
I suppose like anything in life, this is a matter of balance. Just like a farmer can’t continuously plant seeds in the same space over and over again and expect his crop to grow overnight, I must learn to be content with letting my own dream crop grow. Sometimes that means allowing my ideas, creations, and thoughts to ferment before I do anything with them. For instance, when I started this blog, I went through a long period of thinking, pondering, creating, and allowing the right name, niche, idea to come to me. And when it finally did, there was no question as to whether I should act or not act. Maybe that is the key.
Plant your seeds of imagination and plant as many as you come up with, but be patient as you allow them to take shape or die out because the ones that are meant to be will be. When you provide the space of non-doing, you allow miracles to happen because let’s face it, if you are always trying to do, do, do, the Universe has no time to work on your behalf. But, if you are like me, you might wonder what you are supposed to do in the time you are not working on your goals. My answer (one I often need to remember myself)? Have fun.
When you are not actively working on your goals and you are providing a space for them to breathe and grow, do something fun. Catch up on a hobby you have missed. Read a good book, get outside in nature, have coffee with a friend. Life is meant to be enjoyed and if you are working on your goals all the time, no matter how happy they make you, you are likely to burn out.
So what are you doing or not doing right now in regards to your dreams and life goals?
Great advice and one that I have just been doing in the recent weeks… I think we can often ‘Try’ too hard to force something into being, and yet once we Let go and we go with the flow we allow what is the next stage to flow into our lives. … Many thanks for this post .. And that Book sounds a wonderful read.. x Sue
The non-doing can prove to be challenging for me since I always feel the need to be busy. But when I make that time to simply be, I am pleasantly surprised with what I experience. I suppose like anything else it requires practice.