Holy Next-Level Batman!
The next-level expansion is real friends! I don’t know if you’ve been feeling the energy lately, but I can tell you that if you aren’t noticing the places, spaces and areas of your life that feel a bit too small for you right now, hang on because soon you won’t be able to ignore it!
As I am working with my clients who are leveling up in massive ways left, right and center, I’m also feeling my own next level creeping up. The vision is becoming more clear & the energy is fierce! Again, if you haven’t felt it yet, hang onto your seats because it’s about to get real.
Now, one thing you need to know is that you are meant to level-up and expand. In fact, it’s the whole reason you are here…here as in on this planet, at this time, in this place and yes…maybe even specifically reading these words. So, while you can resist it…I don’t recommend it. Go with the flow, believe me, it will make things much easier for you.
With that said, I thought I’d share a few things that are required for your next level in case you didn’t already know….
1. A decision to level up- Yes, you still have free will so you don’t “have” to expand or evolve or level up. You don’t have to change your life or your circumstances, however the more you resist it, the smaller and more uncomfortable your life may feel. This may not always come as a conscious decision, but it’s a decision none the less. When you decide you’re ready to stop settling for that job you hate or the relationship that’s not working or go all in on life for YOU, you’re making a decision to level up.
2. An expanded mindset- Your new level is going to require some new thoughts about who you are and what you are capable of. It’s going to require some recalibration of your thoughts & beliefs and reprogramming as necessary. Every new level requires this, so if you’re not actively doing the mindset work, I highly recommend getting started now.
3. Elevated energetic embodiment- When your mind expands, your energy must expand as well. This is a requirement of your next-level self, especially if you desire lasting change. You must step into this next version of yourself & be that version and that sometimes means making decisions from that new space of being. Be that version of you now. Live in that space & lean into the energy now.
4. Uncharted waters- This may go without saying, but your next level is definitely going to take you into some spaces and places you’ve never been before and it might get uncomfortable. Expansion is all about growth, which often means exploring new areas of yourself, your life & the world that you’ve never explored before. It can feel scary, exciting, insane & completely normal all at once because it’s the thing you came here to do.
I share all of this with you because I don’t want you to be surprised & I want you to know that this is the journey I support you through. I am here to facilitate your expansion & help you with the “how” piece of your transformation puzzle. One way I am able to do that is in my 1:1 mentoring & another way I can assist with this right now is through my secret project that I mentioned last week.
I still have some space left in the secret project if you’re interested & if you are unsure of what I’m talking about, email me here & I’ll send you all the details.
In the meantime, be gentle with yourself as the new level you are reaching often comes with some growing pains & genuinely weird stuff. Trust that it’s all part of the plan & you are already coming out the other side of it. I promise!
P.S. If you **know** you are going to the next-level in 2022 & you want/need support in getting there with ease & grace, let’s chat. I’m opening my calendar to connect with you to get started ASAP. Book your free chat below.