As you begin to realize your passions and you create a vision of what you want to accomplish, you may begin to notice a little voice in your head that will list many reasons why you can’t or shouldn’t do it. Sometimes those “reasons” come with a laundry list of things you don’t know, things you haven’t done, resources you don’t have etc., yet not one of them should be the reason you give up on our dreams. I like to call that voice the Dream Crusher.
My Dream Crusher appears as I am realizing my passion, when I am creating the life I want to live, and even when I am being successful. It also appears when things aren’t going so well to tell me “I told you so”. I have also found that my Dream Crusher doesn’t only come in the form of my voice. Sometimes it comes through other people as they ask questions about “how”, “when”, or “why” I am doing something in particular. Depending on who it is and how I am feeling at the time, it can sound very much like a Dream Crusher Attack.
I am sure you have heard your own version of the Dream Crusher once or twice before. The little (or sometimes big) voice that tells you why you can’t do something or it causes you to have doubts about your talents, skills, and ability to live the life of your dreams. Maybe it causes you to pause and wonder if you are good enough, smart enough, or simply skilled enough to move forward on your dream or it causes you to stop moving forward all together.
Doubt is normal.
Doubt is a part of the dream process. It can appear at any time, but generally makes its first appearance at the start of something new. The key is not to allow the Dream Crusher to take your excitement and inspiration for too long. Sure, it may make you question what you are doing, but it also provides an opportunity to remind yourself why you want to achieve a particular goal and it provides a platform for growth.
The reality is that no one begins something new without having a little doubt creep in, but the most successful dreamers don’t allow those doubts to stop them from moving forward. They simply soothe the doubt as much as they can while still making progress.
You can soothe your doubt by realizing that you don’t have to know everything right this moment. You can allow the thoughts, inspiration, and other information you need to come to you in due time. The more you doubt yourself, the more resistance you create, and the longer it will take to manifest your desires. So, instead of allowing the Dream Crusher to take over your thoughts, take a moment to re-frame.
Also, it is good to remember everyone is on their own dream journey and each journey is unique. So as you move forward and doubt creeps in, realize that everyone feels doubt from time to time and that you can move through it. The more you do, the easier it becomes.
I am interested to know what you do when your Dream Crusher attacks. Do you allow it to be there and move forward anyway? Do you have specific practices?
Great post. I’m learning to keep pushing. I also surround myself with one or two wise people (who have known me a while) and get their feedback. My wise people can sometimes be helpful in remembering past successes for me (I tend to forget them). But…really I just keep pushing if I have a clear picture of what I’m moving towards.