The key to having, being, and doing it all lies within YOU!
Are you ready to access it?
Changes. Transitions. Transformations...that’s what we are all going through at the moment.
2017 is a year of new beginnings, massive expansion, and following the call to transform the very world we live in, by first beginning with your inner world.
If the year has felt a bit wobbly for you and you’ve been struggling to find your footing on the path forward, you are not alone. In fact, I’ve been going through my own massive transformation both in my personal life and in business.
Things are changing, there’s no doubt about that, but instead of fighting the tide and trying to push our way through to what we think should happen, it’s time for something different.
It’s time to get Back 2 Basics.
When I began this journey into coaching and teaching, I was tuned into the massive power within that told me I couldn’t fail. I was on my path completely and wholeheartedly, living, breathing, and embodying my message and learning every step of the way.
- I wasn’t afraid to “fail”.
- I wasn’t afraid of what others might think.
- I was in the flow of my life experience and trusted the Universe to lead me where I needed to go
- I was totally, utterly, and completely in the moment
It was all fine until somewhere along the way I began to lose the connection to myself.
I started looking outside myself for the key, the answers, and the next steps that only I could come up with.
I lost myself a bit and that’s when things began to feel a bit shaky.
My faith had faltered, my trust had been tested, and through it all, I lost the confidence in my journey to change the world one life at a time. I’m almost embarrassed to say that there were many nights when I thought (very seriously) about throwing in the towel all together and giving up on my dream, my purpose, and my calling.
Lucky for me, the passion that got me started, wouldn’t allow me to give up. She reminded me (in some really not so subtle ways) of why I began and why my work is so important in the world particularly now.
In fact, as I started to find my footing again (albeit a bit wobbly at times) I also began seeing more and more people reaching out for the very same reason.
They felt lost, disconnected, confused, and frustrated.
They yearned for joy, peace, assurance, love, and purpose. They knew on a deep level that they deserved that kind of a life, only they weren’t exactly sure how to get it.
They knew they were on the brink of a major breakthrough, but instead of powering through to the light at the end of the tunnel, they remained stuck…on the brink.
After having several of these conversations and feeling the call to get back to the basics myself, I knew what I needed to do.
I needed to get back to where I started…sharing, teaching, and empowering amazing people like YOU so you may stay on your path with confidence, tools, and a knowingness that will never fail you.
So the Back 2 Basics: Workshop Series was born.
What is it?
This is a series of LIVE workshops that will teach you the integral components of utilizing the Universal Principles to stay in alignment and on your path.
Each workshop is based around a different topic and will include roughly 1 hour of teaching and 1 hour of active coaching with the participants on the call.
Each call will be recorded and sent out to all of the participants so if for some reason you miss one, you can go back and listen to it after. This is an interactive series that not only asks for your engagement, but commitment to applying the principles outlined.
When is it?
There are a total of 6 workshops in this series and they will be held every Wed. at 7:30pm EST from February 15th-March 22nd.
What topics will be covered?
Week 1: Energy & Vibration: How the Law of Attraction works.
Week 2: Intentions & Focus: Getting what you want out of life using the Law of Attraction (this is likely to be the biggest workshop of them all)
Week 3: Finding Your Flow: What it means and how to utilize it to continually take inspired action.
Week 4: Overcoming Resistance: What to do when you feel stuck or lose sight of your path.
Week 5: Master Your Mindset: How to keep your emotions and mindset in sync with the expanded part of you.
Week 6: Tools for Expansion: How to use various tools to up-level your life experience.
How do I sign up?
You have the option of signing up for individual workshop sessions based on the topics that interest you or signing up for all 6 workshops.
Each individual workshop is $35 , however you can sign up for all 6 workshops for $147 (which gives you essentially 2 sessions for free).
So what do you say? Are you ready to get back to the basics and stop making things so complicated for yourself? If so, I invited you to join us for this incredible series that will remind you of the power you’ve always had within to create the life you deserve and desire.
If so, sign up using the links below and you will receive the call-in information and reminders a few days before each workshop. I can’t wait to connect with you!